DIY Samsung Galaxy A72 Display Replacement: Step-by-Step Guide

DIY Samsung Galaxy A72 Display Replacement: Step-by-Step Guide

Have you accidentally cracked the screen on your Samsung Galaxy A72? Before you panic, know that replacing the display isn’t as difficult as you might think. With just a few tools and a bit of patience, you can save money and perform the repair yourself. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of replacing your Samsung Galaxy A72 display step-by-step. Follow along and you’ll have a working phone in no time.

First, gather the necessary supplies. You’ll need a heat gun or hair dryer, a screwdriver set, a spudger tool or plastic card, and replacement adhesive for the new screen. You’ll also need a new display assembly kit, which you can find online or at a local electronics store. Make sure to double-check that it’s compatible with your Samsung Galaxy A72 model before buying. Once you have everything ready, power off your phone and remove the SIM card tray. Apply heat to the edges of the phone with a heat gun or hair dryer until the adhesive softens. Use a spudger tool or plastic card to carefully pry off the old screen from the phone body. Be gentle and work slowly to avoid damaging any internal components. Once the screen is removed, use a screen separator tool to clean off any remaining adhesive or residue from the phone body. Now you’re ready to install the new screen!

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before you get started, it’s important to gather everything you need to replace the Samsung Galaxy A72 display. Here are the tools you’ll need:

  • Heat gun or hair dryer
  • Screwdriver set
  • Spudger tool or plastic card
  • New display assembly kit (compatible with Samsung Galaxy A72)
  • Replacement adhesive for the new screen

You can find these tools and materials at most electronics stores or online retailers. Some websites also offer complete Samsung Galaxy A72 display replacement kits that come with all the tools and parts you need. Make sure to choose a kit that matches the model number of your phone. Additionally, consider researching reviews of the kit before purchasing to ensure that it is of good quality and has positive feedback from previous users. With the right supplies in hand, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

How do I transfer everything from my old Samsung to my new Samsung?

To transfer everything from your old Samsung to your new Samsung, you can use the Smart Switch app. First, connect both phones with the old phone’s USB cable. Then, launch Smart Switch on both phones. On the old phone, tap Send data and Cable. On the new phone, tap Receive data, select the type of device you’re transferring from, and Cable. It’s that easy!

How To Replace Samsung Galaxy A72 Display

In this step, we will guide you through the process of removing the old, broken screen. Pay close attention to each step to avoid causing any further damage to your device.

  • Power off the phone and remove the SIM card tray.
  • Using a heat gun or hair dryer, heat the edges of the phone until the adhesive softens. Be careful not to overheat the phone or touch any internal components.
  • Using a spudger tool or plastic card, carefully pry off the old screen from the phone body. Make sure not to twist or bend the screen while removing it.
  • If needed, use a screen separator tool to clean off any remaining adhesive or residue from the phone body.

Interesting fact: Samsung is one of the largest phone manufacturers in the world, and their Galaxy series of smartphones has gained a reputation for quality and reliability. However, even the best phones can suffer from display damage due to accidental drops or impacts. Fortunately, replacing the display on a Samsung Galaxy A72 is a manageable process that can save you time and money compared to taking it to a repair shop.

Below is a table summarizing the steps to remove the old screen from your Samsung Galaxy A72:

Step Instructions
Step 1 Power off the phone and remove the SIM card tray.
Step 2 Using a heat gun or hair dryer, heat the edges of the phone until the adhesive softens. Be careful not to overheat the phone or touch any internal components.
Step 3 Using a spudger tool or plastic card, carefully pry off the old screen from the phone body. Make sure not to twist or bend the screen while removing it.
Step 4 If needed, use a screen separator tool to clean off any remaining adhesive or residue from the phone body.

How to take the screen off a Samsung S7?

To take off the screen of a Samsung S7, you can follow the steps provided in this video tutorial: The tutorial shows how to use a heat gun and a plastic pry tool to remove the screen without damaging any components. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure a successful screen replacement.

How To Replace Samsung Galaxy A72 Display

If you’ve cracked or damaged your Samsung Galaxy A72’s display, you’ll need to replace it with a new one. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to replace the display and get your phone back in working order.

Tools and Materials

Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools and materials:

  • Replacement display assembly kit: Make sure you purchase a high-quality replacement display assembly kit that is compatible with your Samsung Galaxy A72. You can find these at electronics stores or online retailers such as Amazon, BestBuy, and Samsung’s website.
  • Phillips screwdriver: A small Phillips screwdriver is needed to remove the retaining screws on the phone’s frame.
  • Plastic prying tools: These are used to gently pry the display assembly away from the phone without damaging the phone’s frame.
  • Adhesive remover: This will help dissolve any adhesive residue left on the phone’s frame after removing the old display assembly.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps to replace the display on your Samsung Galaxy A72:

  1. Power down your device: Hold down the power button and select “power off” to turn your phone off.
  2. Remove the SIM card tray: Use a SIM card eject tool or a paperclip to remove the SIM card tray from the phone.
  3. Remove the back cover: Apply heat to the back cover of the phone using a hairdryer or heat gun to soften the adhesive. Use a plastic prying tool to gently pry the cover away from the phone.
  4. Remove the retaining screws: Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the retaining screws on the phone’s frame.
  5. Disconnect the old display assembly: Gently disconnect the old display assembly by removing the connectors on the phone’s motherboard.
  6. Remove the old display assembly: Use a plastic prying tool to gently pry the old display assembly away from the phone’s frame.
  7. Clean the phone’s frame: Use adhesive remover to clean any adhesive residue left on the phone’s frame.
  8. Install the new screen: Carefully align the new display assembly with the phone body and press down gently to secure it in place. Screw the retaining screws back into place to hold the assembly in position. Replace the SIM card tray and turn on your phone to test the screen. If everything is working properly, you’re done!

It’s essential to use a high-quality display assembly kit to ensure your Samsung Galaxy A72 functions correctly. Make sure to follow the replacement kit’s instructions carefully during the installation process.

The process of replacing your Samsung Galaxy A72’s display can be challenging, but with the right tools and instructions, it’s possible to get the job done. By following the steps outlined above and using high-quality replacement parts, you can save money on costly repairs or a new phone.

Can you put a new screen on a Samsung phone?

Yes, you can put a new screen on a Samsung phone. Replacement screens can be purchased from phone parts suppliers like Repairs Universe, Injured Gadgets, and FixEZ. Some stores offer screen replacement kits that include tools needed for the process, or tools must be purchased separately.


Replacing a Samsung Galaxy A72 display might seem daunting at first. However, with a bit of guidance and the right tools, you can perform the repair yourself and save money. Remember to take your time and follow the steps closely to avoid damaging any internal components.

If you’re struggling with the repair process, there are many online resources available to offer guidance. Websites such as iFixit offer detailed repair guides that you can use as a reference. Additionally, you can find video tutorials on Youtube that demonstrate how to replace the screen.

If you don’t feel comfortable performing the repair yourself, consider seeking professional help. Local phone repair shops or authorized Samsung service centers can replace your Samsung Galaxy A72 display for a fee.

In conclusion, replacing a Samsung Galaxy A72 display is a manageable DIY project that can save you money and give you a sense of satisfaction. With the right tools and guidance, you can complete the repair and have a working phone in no time.