BLU G91s Display Replacement Guide

BLU G91s Display Replacement Guide

If you’re a BLU G91s user, you know how important the display is. It’s what allows you to browse through your phone, watch videos, and view images. However, if your BLU G91s display is cracked or unresponsive, it can be frustrating, and it’s essential to fix it as soon as possible. Replacing the BLU G91s display may seem overwhelming, but in this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. Replacing the display yourself can save you a significant amount of money on repair costs, but it requires some technical knowledge and precision. Make sure to follow each step carefully and have the necessary tools handy before proceeding. The process may take some time, but with patience and perseverance, you can have a new display installed and functioning in no time. It’s crucial to note that if you’re not confident in carrying out the process yourself, seeking professional help is always an option. In the next section, we’ll discuss the tools you’ll need to have with you before you start the replacement process.

Tools Required for BLU G91s Display Replacement

Before you start replacing the BLU G91s display, you should have the necessary tools with you. These tools include:

  • A pry tool
  • A spudger
  • Tweezers
  • A Torx screwdriver
  • A Phillips head screwdriver

You can easily find these tools online or at a local tech store. Make sure you have the right tools with you before proceeding with the replacement process. Also, ensure that the tools are of high quality so that they don’t damage the device further.

One website that you can check out for recommended tools is iFixit. They offer a wide range of high-quality tools that can aid you in the replacement process. Additionally, when buying the replacement display, make sure it is compatible with the BLU G91s model. In the next section, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to replace the BLU G91s display.

Step-by-Step Guide for BLU G91s Display Replacement

To replace the BLU G91s display, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the device and remove the SIM tray.
  2. Remove the back cover and battery.
  3. Unscrew the screws and detach the motherboard from the frame carefully.
  4. Detach the connectors of the display from the motherboard.
  5. Remove the old display by gently lifting it.
  6. Place the new display in the same position as the old one.
  7. Reattach the connectors of the new display to the motherboard.
  8. Screw the screws back in and reassemble the device carefully.

Make sure to test everything to ensure that they are functioning correctly. Also, ensure that the connecting cables are not damaged during the connection process.

Here is a table summarizing the tools needed and the steps required for BLU G91s display replacement:

Tools Required Steps Required
A pry tool 1. Turn off the device and remove the SIM tray.
2. Remove the back cover and battery.
3. Unscrew the screws and detach the motherboard from the frame carefully.
A spudger 4. Detach the connectors of the display from the motherboard.
5. Remove the old display by gently lifting it.
6. Place the new display in the same position as the old one.
Tweezers 7. Reattach the connectors of the new display to the motherboard.
Torx screwdriver 8. Screw the screws back in and reassemble the device carefully.
Phillips head screwdriver

One website that can help you with the replacement process is Youtube. They have multiple tutorial videos that can guide you through the replacement process. Ensure that you watch the videos carefully before attempting the replacement yourself.

What is the difference between position and display?

The position property determines how an item is placed on a page in relation to other elements, while the display property specifies the type of rendering box that is created from HTML elements, such as block, inline, inline block, or flex. This is an important distinction to understand when designing web pages or working with CSS. For example, the position property can be used to move an element to a specific location, while the display property can be used to control how elements are laid out on the page.

Finishing the BLU G91s Display Replacement

After you’ve installed the new display, reassemble the device by following the previous steps in reverse order. Here are some additional steps to follow to complete the replacement process:

  • Turn on the device and check if the new display is functional.
  • Insert the SIM tray, back cover, and battery.
  • Test everything to ensure that they are functioning correctly.
  • If the device starts up correctly and everything is functional, the replacement process is complete.

Note that it’s essential to be patient and cautious during the reassembly process to avoid damaging the device. Also, be sure to double-check that everything is connected correctly before turning on the device.

If you’re looking for a reliable supplier of BLU G91s replacement screens, you can check out Amazon. They have multiple suppliers and vendors that can provide you with the appropriate replacement screens at affordable prices. However, ensure that you verify the supplier’s reputation and the product’s authenticity before making your purchase.

Overall, replacing the BLU G91s display is a technical process that demands patience, attention, and a little technical know-how. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to replace your device’s broken display quickly and without hassle.

How do you tell if phone screen has been replaced?

If you suspect that your phone’s screen has been replaced, you can check the brightness level to determine if it is an OEM LCD screen or a fake one. OEM LCD screens are typically brighter than replacement screens. Replacement screens may also have a dull color and still appear dark even when the brightness is at maximum.

Tips and Tricks for BLU G91s Display Replacement

Replacing the BLU G91s display is a delicate process that requires patience and attention. Here are some tips for you to keep in mind to avoid causing any further harm to your device:

  • Take your time: Rushing the process can result in causing more damage than there was previously.
  • Use the correct tools: Using improper tools can often lead to irreparable damage to your phone.
  • Follow instructions: Ensure you read and understand each step before proceeding with the replacement.
  • Be gentle: Avoid applying too much pressure when removing or connecting parts, as they can break easily.
  • Stay organized: Keep track of the screws and small parts to ensure you can reassemble your device correctly.

By following these tips, you can avoid damaging your device and ensure a successful display replacement.

If you’re hesitant to undertake the replacement yourself, consider seeking help from a professional service. There are various mobile repair shops that specialize in BLU G91s repairs, and they can help you replace your device’s display at an affordable cost. You can also check out online marketplaces like Yelp to find local repair shops that provide reliable services.

Overall, replacing your BLU G91s display doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, a little bit of patience, and the tips outlined above, anyone should be able to complete the process successfully.

How do you fix a damaged phone screen?

There are several ways to fix a damaged phone screen. In case of cracks, you can use packing tape or super glue to minimize the damage. If the touchscreen still works, you can even replace the glass yourself for about $10-$20. Another option is to ask the manufacturer or your mobile carrier to fix it for you. Finally, taking it to a repair shop is always an alternative.


Replacing the BLU G91s display might seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually doable with the right tools and guidance. By following the step-by-step instructions, tips, and tricks outlined above, you can successfully replace the display without having to spend a lot of money on professional repairs. Just remember to proceed with caution and take your time to avoid causing any further damage to your device.

If you’re not confident in undertaking this process yourself, consider seeking the help of a professional mobile repair shop. This can be especially useful if you’re not familiar with technical processes or don’t have the right tools. Moreover, a professional repair service can offer you a warranty or guaranty on parts and services in case you encounter any issues in the future.

In conclusion, replacing the BLU G91s display is a technical process that requires attention, patience, and the right tools. However, with the help of this guide, anyone should be able to replace the display successfully.